Thursday, August 29, 2019

Voyage from monarchy to democracy in France.

That was a blazing, burning afternoon of 17th century. Silence was all over the place. Perhaps that was the call of upcoming storm. An honored man was moving with great self-esteem and charisma. His gesture shows his spectacular personality. He knows his corollary but he was not feared. With great courage he reaches to national razor guillotine. The apparatus used for condemnation of culprits. He kneels down his knees and within a second’s edgy guillotine cuts his neck. This magnificent person was the last king of France louis the sixteenth. The king who was considered as the gift from god, the decision maker of the fate of people, the great emperor was brutally mutilated in front of millions of people. This was the end of monarchy. Millions of people were glad that finally they wouldn’t be ruled by single kingship. They have a freedom, liberty. The philosophy of enlightenment and freedom which was praise by French philosopher Voltaire and Rousseau was finally reached to its destination. After several sacrifices finally France is freed from dominance of monarchy. People finally understand the philosophy of Rousseau that every man is born free and they must not fasten into single norm. Everyone has a right of speech, rule, and liberty to live.

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 Not in France but also in England, Russia, Spain revolutions took place which abolish monarchy.  Every person is born free and without any distinction anyone can be a ruler. This hereditary monarchy enslaves people. History is full of such kings who have to agonize worries by the people who served him.
               All are born equally we all are equal there must not be partiality. In a contest of democracy and monarchy, democracy always win. In postmodern era democracy hailed as a basic right of human. But in contemporary scenario democracy is not always precise. People become victim of corrupted form of so-called democratic government. The gap between rich and poor continuously increasing it is demonstrated by a fact that three wealthiest individuals in the world have assets that exceed those of poorest 10 percent of the world’s population. Democracy can be installed in its true meaning when all have an equal opportunity to vote and represent the government. Nations that are failed have mostly dictatorship or monarchical government in contrast democratic government are better. Many countries in world struggle for democracy some countries fall in civil war and some get freedom from rule of aristocracy.

Image result for monarchy to democracy

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